Everybody seems to be falling in love with the Euro these days, driving to a recent high of 1.36 dollars to the Euro. The reasons for this strength (and that of the British Pound) are clear - it is not the dollar and Warren Buffett and George Soros seem to have turned into dollar bears. Well, the traders are getting a little carried away here. They are treating it as a commodity, but it is a currency and one tied to an economic area with a lot of problems. Currencies ultimately revert to a level based on purchasing power parity and some expectations of future interest rates in the zones where they operate. When they launched the Euro in 2000, it was designed to trade at about USD 0.90 to USD 0.95 and that strikes me as continuing to be roughly the area where purchasing power parity is achieved between the Euro and the dollar. Longer term interest rates in the US appear to be on the rise in the US and not in Europe. Now, will the Euro go still higher in the short term? Maybe. But, to those considering buying foreign currencies (and especially the Euro) at this stage in the cycle, I'd suggest that you'd be better off holding onto your dollars and dollar denominated assets.
June 22, 2007
I agree with this analysis.
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June 27, 2007
Currencies are a tough game. Your advice concerning the long-term likelihood of a dollar recovery runs contrary to sound arguments that we are in the early stages of what will be a massive currency diversification program by China, India, Russia, Brazil, etc.
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September 27, 2007
It may have seemed like good advice when you wrote it, but the dollar looks horrid here.
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October 21, 2007
For now the US wants a weaker dollar. Rates in the us will continue to go down so the dollar looks like a sale at this point. Till things change which might be in 09 when inflation will run out of control. Than rate will have to raised.
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Sam Cass
June 19, 2008
Is the Euro was overvalued then, what is it now?
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Sean Riskowitz
February 21, 2010
The Euro is not a currency. It's an experiment.
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